Note that papers for Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg are improperly
listed under the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories website. The
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories listing of papers is incomplete
(10 of 46 papers, or 22%); does not include two papers published
by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, and five papers written
under Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg's maiden name ("Esther M. Zimmer"),
including those co-authored with M. Demerec, A. Hollaender, and N. H.
Giles, Jr. The site also omits Esther Lederberg's celebrated discovery of
lambda phage, documented in the 1950 paper, "Lysogenicity in Escherichia
coli strain K-12", Microbial Genetics Bulletin, 1, pp. 5-9, Jan. 1950,
Univ. of Wisconsin [Evelyn Maisel Witkin, Editor], Ohio State University,
ISSN: 0026-2579, call No. 33-M-4, OCLC: 04079516, Accession Number:
The list of publications was found is under the James
Watson collection, but searches throughout the entire CSHL database
found only these same ten papers.
A second search was made of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories database, as the above search was limited to the Special Collections for James Watson. Was it possible that a more complete listing of publications existed elsewhere in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories collections? In fact, the same ten publications were found, along with three photographs: two of Esther with Josh, and one of 1980 with Esther and an unidentified researcher (Dennis Kopeco). Two additional lists of participants in the 1946 and 1947 CSHL Symposia are also listed (Esther is listed as Esther Zimmer in 1946). Lastly, a mention is made of Esther being associated with the Sydney Brenner Collection. No complete listing exists under CSHL of Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg publications.
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The Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Trust
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